Friday, September 17, 2010


In my Art History class we were given thirty minutes to write on this piece of art...

January 2, 2007

A young woman is on her way to pick up her daughter in an old black comet convertible. She has the top down with the music blaring. She thinks she is the only one on the road. She is late and decides to run the red light in front of her instead of coming to a stop. Little does she know that another car is speeding through the light. She is hit. The scene is a street now silent after the deafening noise. Nothing else is clear except the fact that she has made the wrong choice. Nothing else is clear except for the red light.

The sketch is an abstract drawing titled January 2, 2007. Clare Coyle Taylor’s drawing from colored pencils on bristol board has many different primary colors. Coyle layers many of the colors giving it a slightly murky color. It is somewhat unclear as to what the rest of the picture is. The focal point is the red circle that is slightly off center. It is the clearest part of the whole sketch. The pencil marks are long and random without any organization or pattern. She does not try very hard to stay within the border that she has drawn. She uses black for the outsides of the two larger squares in the middle. This sketch shows the clarity of the red light and the unclearness of the rest of the sketch.

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