1. READ THE BOOK: now I am not suggesting that you read the entire book, because let's be honest, it's HUGE, but do read most of it because it will help you out SO much.
2. Make your notecards prior to class: It's easiest if you just make them all while you are watching a movie or something
3. Along the same lines...don't lose your notecards: I did and it was a pain.
4. On the notecards, write: the name of the artist (if there is one), and then write the name of the art, the dimensions, etc. Do this prior to class. I don't think it necessary to write where the art is now. "Louvre Museum, Paris." It's simply a waste of time, and if later in life you really want to know where it is, look it up in google. Here's the link : ) Google. Or I suppose you could look in your books, but good luck finding that one image in there.
5. Study the notecards. You may be wondering why I put this here at all. It must be obvious, right? wrong. Study them.
6. And finally, enjoy the class. You are going to be going through hundreds and hundreds of images of beautiful (some not, but mostly beautiful) artwork. Enjoy it. If you think of it less like a class (but still do all your work), and more like something fun, it will be enjoyable.
So, for anyone who decided to take this... GOOD LUCK!